IUI vs. IVF: Understanding the Difference
Seeing, from far away, others enjoying the parenthood life with their cute little babies are heartwarming and hurtful at the same time for the couples who are trying to get that parenting life but can't get it for some reason and not converting it into reality.
The medical field has developed a lot and provides solutions for every problem, so do not hesitate before thinking about conceiving a baby. Shachi Hospital, along with the team, is working on this, which will help you fulfill your dream of becoming a parent. The two most popular methods for fertility are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). But What will be the best option, IUI vs. IVF?
What is IUI Treatment?
The process of intrauterine insemination includes the placement of sperm directly into your uterus to reduce the distance sperm has to travel and increase the chance of sperm reaching your eggs. The procedure follows the separation of sperm from semen fluid by washing it, and then the entire sperm is injected into the uterus. This procedure increases the number of sperm in the uterus when compared to traditional intercourse.
What is IVF Treatment?
IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) is a complex series of procedures that helps you to become pregnant. It is an infertility treatment that allows you to get the happiness of a parenthood life you have been trying for but not getting after more than one year.
In the procedure of in-vitro fertilisation, the mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilised with sperm in the laboratory, and then placed in the uterus, where babies develop. The procedure of IVF takes about two to three weeks. In some cases, steps need to be split into different parts, and the process can take longer time.
Now imagine yourself standing at a crossroads, where both roads take you to your destination and hold the promise to give you a new beginning of parenthood and the happiness of completing your deepest desire. One road in for IUI ( Intrauterine Insemination), a less complicated and less risky reproductive procedure. The other one takes you to IVF (In-vitro Fertilization), a complex but more successful method. Which one will you choose, and how will you decide what will be the best for you?
Let me take you on the journey of IUI vs. IVF: Understanding the Differences and Making Informed Treatment Decisions, and discover which one can take you to the goal of the happy family you've always wished for. We will discuss the two highlighted infertility treatments, the IUI and IVF differences, and by the end, you will have a clear understanding of both options, which will help you to make the best decision on what to choose between IUI vs. IVF. First, understand when to choose IUI and IVF.
When Should You Choose IUI Treatment in Ahmedabad?
If you want to become a single parent or your male partner does not have the quality or quantity (low sperm count) to conceive, and you need donor sperm to conceive, then you can opt for IUI treatment in Ahmedabad. IUI is the common treatment used to achieve pregnancy. The procedure is done in certified labs, and Shachi Clinic in Ahmedabad is one of them. If you are going through unexplained infertility, infertility related to endometriosis, Mild male factor infertility, Semen allergy, Ovulatory factor infertility, and Cervical factor infertility. These are some common factors when you can choose IUI treatment.
When Should You Choose IVF Treatment in Ahmedabad?
In-vitro fertilization is often advised for couples who have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for one year and have one or more reproductive difficulties, like lack of ovulation or immense low male sperm count if the male partner has a history of vasectomy, female having blocked fallopian tube, and diminished egg supply and poor egg vitality.
What is Common Between IUI and IVF?
Firstly, both treatments give you a chance to have a parenting life. Both are processed for infertility Treatment. Both treatments include procedures for fertility drugs before insemination or fertilisation to increase the fertility success rate. In both situations, you need to retrieve the egg or sperm. In both situations, fertilisation takes place in the laboratory and then placed in the uterus.
What Are The Highlighted Differences Between IUI and IVF?
The highlighted difference between the IUI and IVF is the fertilisation procedure. The egg fertilisation in IUI treatment takes place inside the uterus, where the sperm is directly injected into the uterus to reduce the journey of the sperm it has to travel during traditional intercourse. In IVF, eggs and sperm are retrieved, and fertilisation takes place in the laboratory. After fertilisation, the embryo is placed inside the uterus, resulting in pregnancy.
IVF comes with a higher success rate than IUI, but IUI is less expensive and invasive than IVF. Generally, IUI is recommended to you before moving to IVF. After three rounds of failure in IUI treatment, IVF is recommended.
When choosing IUI or IVF treatment in Ahmedabad, make sure that you are choosing the right one as it is about the most crucial thing in your life. Before stepping ahead, you should have the proper satisfaction and friendly doctors who can give you the best experience during the IUI and IVF treatment. Shachi Women’s Hospital is one of the best IUI Treatment Hospital in Ahmedabad. Where you will meet the best experienced IUI and IVF surgeons.
Take the first step towards the parenting life. You are in safe hands with our experience and the best doctor for infertility treatment. By now, you must have a clear vision of IUI vs. IVF Difference and can choose wisely.