Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI treatment can be suitable for those who are looking for a quick and less invasive fertility treatment. This procedure is low-tech and less expensive, which makes it preferable.

But it is important to note that IUI is not suitable for everyone. It is always wise to ask your doctor what treatment works best for you. Though it is easy to fertilize the egg in this process, it does not mean that it has a 100% success rate. The pregnancy depends on various other factors as well. Each woman is different, and IUI works differently for each woman.

What Is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination or IUI is one of the fertility treatments in which the sperm from the male body is directly injected into the uterus. It cuts down the time and the distance the sperm has to travel to fertilize the egg, making it easier for an egg to be fertilized. Though it sounds one-step and straightforward procedure, it actually includes specific steps. Some examinations are done before injecting the sperm into the uterus.

When Recommended?

IUI treatment is recommended for those looking for a less invasive and less expensive procedure. It is mainly recommended for women under 35 as the success rates are higher—the success rate decreases as a woman cross 40. There are other conditions as well in which IUI might be recommended.

  • Donor Sperm : - IUI is most used for women who want to use donor sperm. In this case, frozen donor sperm specimens are collected from labs and thawed before the procedure.
  • Unexplained Infertility : - It is used to treat unexplained infertility, which means that the specific cause of infertility is unknown.
  • Endometriosis : - Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissues that build the inner lining of the uterus start to grow outside the uterus, which disturbs the function of the ovaries fallopian tubes, and uterus. IUI with medications is the first approach to treat infertility caused by endometriosis.
  • Mild male factor infertility : - The procedure of IUI helps to eliminate the abnormalities of sperms such as abnormalities in shape, size, mobility, etc. It separates the healthier sperms to be injected into the uterus from the lower quality sperms.
  • Cervical factor infertility : - Cervix is the tissue that connects the vagina and the uterus. The mucus produced by the cervix during ovulation creates a suitable environment for the sperm to reach the fallopian tubes. Certain conditions such as mucus being too thick or scarring in the cervix because of biopsy cause infertility. As the sperm doesn’t need to swim to the uterus in this procedure, it can help to treat infertility.
  • Ovulatory factor infertility : - Absence or less frequency of ovulation causes infertility, and IUI can be a suitable treatment.
  • Semen allergy : - Some proteins present in the semen can be allergic, leading to infertility. As many of the proteins are removed in the examination process, IUI can be suitable for this kind of infertility.

The Procedure

  • Ovulation : - As the first step, the patient would be given certain medications to help her body produce eggs that can be used for fertilization; this process is called Ovulation.
  • Sperm washing : - The next step is sperm washing; in this process, the sperms are collected and prepared for insemination. Sperm washing pulls out the healthy sperms eliminating those of low quality. It also washes out chemicals from the semen, which can cause allergic reactions.
  • Insemination : - As the final step, a thin, flexible tube with an attached syringe is inserted through the cervix into the uterus, and the sperm is injected into the uterus. Pregnancy occurs once the egg is fertilized and attached to the uterus lining.


  • Conceive whenever you are ready : - IVF has given thousands of women to feel the bliss of being a parent when they are ready. Older women can conceive through this process, and those women who want to be a mother later are also taking the shelter of IVF and freezing their eggs for later use.
  • Increased chances of a healthy baby : - The process of IVF includes PGT, which detects the abnormalities in the sperm or the embryos to be eliminated.
  • Decreased chances of miscarriage : - PGT, a part of IVF, helps detect the problems that might lead to a miscarriage.

Risks & Side Effects

Every medical procedure comes with its risks, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not safe. When it comes to IVF, the right consultation and care can eliminate the potential risks leading to a healthy pregnancy.

  • Multiple Pregnancies : - In IVF procedure, multiple embryos are placed into the uterus, which produces a 20-30% chance of multiple pregnancies. Multiple pregnancies come with certain health risks such as premature labor, need for a c- section, etc. Consult with your doctor and take proper follow-up of your treatment, and you are good to go.
  • Emotional and Psychological Toll : - IVF is not only about your body but also the mind. IVF treatment can be emotionally draining for the patient. It is very important to provide them with the mental support and care they need throughout the process.